Most people assume a business loan is only for new businesses that are trying to get off the ground. In reality, business loans are an important way for many well-established businesses to manage cash flow and expand their operations. There are also a number of other reasons to consider a …
Is a secured motorcycle loan worth it?
A secured motorcycle loan is very similar to any other loan that uses an asset as a form of security. When you’re looking at your options to purchase a motorbike, your choices are usually to pay cash, take out an unsecured loan or a secured loan. While everyone has slightly different …
Demand for retail assets bounces back
Buyer demand for retail assets has bounced back over the past 12 months, with sales volumes now at the highest level since 2015. REA’s latest 2021 PropTrack Retail Snapshot shows that retail sales volumes are now back above where they were prior to the pandemic. The report notes that retail …