Even if you don’t have any loans or debts, having a credit card might be enough to significantly reduce your borrowing capacity. The reason why a credit card can be a hindrance to your ability to borrow money, is that lenders assess your credit card on the overall limit, not on how much you …
Conditional vs Unconditional Approval?
Arguably, the most important element of the property journey is obtaining finance. One of the most confusing parts of the process for first home buyers is the difference between the various types of approvals. Most commonly, when you are looking to obtain finance to purchase a home, there will be …
House Prices Continue to Rebound
House prices across the country continue to rebound, with the latest data showing that values are trending higher across all the capital cities in Australia. When COVID-19 first hit in Australia in March 2020, media pundits and even the big banks predicted price falls of more than …