As house prices continue to rise across the country, getting into a new home can be tricky for first home buyers. Fortunately, if you’re able to get the help of a guarantor, it might mean you can get into a home of your own sooner rather than later. A guarantor is normally a close family member; …
Advantages of Commercial Real Estate
Most Australians are familiar with investing in real estate and understand the value that a property portfolio can create over time. However, few property investors venture outside the world of residential property and consider commercial property. While commercial property is a little more …
4 Options to Get on the Property Ladder Sooner
While it would be nice if we could all go out and buy our dream home today, the reality is that it usually takes time to achieve our goals. The good thing is that even if you can’t quite afford your dream home right now, there are still other options to get onto the property ladder a lot sooner than …