When people buy a car these days, many will use some form of finance. While using finance to purchase a car can help you get the vehicle you want now, it’s important to make sure you’re properly comparing loan options and not just taking what a dealership has to offer. Here are four ways to …
What Factors Impact the Cost of Invoice Finance?
Getting paid on time by your customers and clients is one of the biggest ongoing challenges for most businesses. Approximately 25 per cent of business owners have delayed paying themselves because of issues with invoices being paid on time, according to Smart Company. One of the easiest ways to …
Demand for Industrial and Logistics Assets at All Time High
Demand for industrial and logistics assets continues to be incredibly high, with the vacancy rate on the East Coast hitting a decade low according to Knight Frank. Tenants have been quick to lock down warehouse space as competition has intensified, resulting in a 15% drop in vacant space on the …