The vast majority of people who look to purchase property will do so with the help of finance. If you need to use finance to purchase a property, then you certainly need to include a ‘subject to finance’ clause in your offer. A subject to finance clause is a condition that is attached to the …
Getting an Alternate Documentation Loan
As we know, all borrowers have different circumstances and that’s why there is never a one size fits all approach when it comes to lending. For the majority of full-time employees with a good credit history, you will likely have a range of options and be able to look at a regular home loan. To …
How to Finance Your Home Renovation
As the window begins to close to access the Government’s HomeBuilder grant, there is still enough time to capitalise if you’re looking to build or substantially renovate. Given that the requirements are high for renovators, many people might be looking to borrow, in order to fund their home …