While most people will typically look to take out a variable home loan, it is first worth considering what might happen with interest rates in the future and whether that means you should think about a fixed-rate home loan. A fixed-rate home loan simply means that the interest rate on the home …
How to Bid Confidently at Auction
When property markets are hot, it’s very common to see a lot of properties listed to sell via the auction process. In the current market, we are seeing very strong auction clearance rates that are regularly above 80% in both Sydney and Melbourne, which is a clear sign of a seller’s market. For …
Why are Stock Levels So Low?
House prices are rising at the fastest rate in 32 years, and while there is strong demand from buyers, one of the main factors driving prices is low stock levels. Across Australia, we’re still seeing the lowest levels of stock that we’ve seen in more than five years. That includes the most recent …