With interest rates at record low levels, homeowners are starting to think a lot more about fixing their home loans. The RBA has made it known that interest rates are likely to stay low for a while yet; however, there is increasing evidence to suggest that they will need to rise sooner rather …
Upgrading Your Home in a Strong Market
While it’s nice to be selling when markets are strong, this can also cause a number of issues for those who are needing to sell their home before trying to buy another. We would see this commonly with upgraders and downgraders, who might be at the time in their lives when they need more space for …
How does a family guarantee work?
As the price of property surges across Australia, so does the cost of getting into the property market for many first home buyers. For the most part, if you’re wanting to get a home loan from a bank or lender, they will require you to come up with a deposit. Depending on the lender, this can be …